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Alkalising your body...

Do's and don't for an Alkaline Detox Diet.




  • Alcohol – Alcohol is toxic to all cells.  The liver, our largest organ of detoxification works very hard to eliminate alcohol so give it a break!
  • Sugar as it is acid forming 
  • Grains, including wheat, rye, oats, barley, rice, millet, quinoa, spelt – all are acid-forming
  • Animal protein – beef, lamb, pork, chicken, fish, eggs, dairy except whey and ricotta 
  • Coffee – is not acid-forming, but is a stimulant, so is banned during this detox 


  • Fresh seasonal fruit
  • Fresh vegetables and salad– all kinds and all colours (the greener the better - spinach is most alkaline vegetable of all. 
  • Tofu and tempeh 
  • Hazelnuts are the most alkaline nuts, but also include a selection of other nuts and seeds including almonds, Brazil nuts, pecans, macadamias, sesame seeds, chia, pumpkin and sunflower 
  • Ricotta as it is made from whey, the alkaline portion of dairy products
  • Oils – coconut, virgin olive
  • Herbs and spices - eg turmeric, oregano, mint, parsley, garlic
  • Herbal teas – burdock, clivers, echinacea, red clover, calendula, are especially detoxifying while herbal tea like peppermint and chamomile are alkalising.


  • Every day drink a green juice.. Make your own from a combination of green apples, celery, kale, parsley and spinach leaves or buy a ‘green’ concentrate powder from the health food shop. These contain a selection of beneficial seaweed and chlorophyll foods.